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Work with me


I’m Emma, known as MrsShilts on social media and I’m thrilled you’d like to work with me.

If you would like to discuss any opportunities, events, product reviews or advertising, please contact me on 

You can also click the social media ‘Follow Me’ buttons at the top of the blog to get in touch.

Work with me..

I am happy to review relevant products and services that are appropriate to me, my family and our lifestyle. You can read more about us here.

We live in Staffordshire so travelling distances (i.e to London) is not always possible. However we do love to travel (planes and trains included) so please do consider sending us an invite to your event and we’ll see if we can make it work.

I will consider external advertising as long as they are appropriate to me, my family and our lifestyle. Please get in touch for my rates and my media pack is available on request.

I stand by my word so all reviews will be honest and I will always acknowledge in the disclosure if the post is sponsored, a guest post or brought you in association with a brand or company. I will have received an incentive in someway for publishing the article.

Some of the brilliant brands we are proud to have worked with

brands worked with


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Emma Shilton is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

this is us

Memories, milestones and everything inbetween!